Installation of GoBright Android App on IAdea displays

Start up the display

  1. Check if the device is supported on the  supported hardware overview page if your display model is added in the list, and if supported which possible known limitations affects your device.
  2. Startup the display
  3. Connect the display to the internet*
  4. The GoBright app should start automatically with an installation wizard and shown afterwards an activation key
  5. If GoBright is not installed and/or you receive messages of unsupported hardware while the display is in the supported hardware overview please install the IAdea - GoBright Add-on.
  6. Our advice is to check first if the latest Firmware is installed on this device, you can find them on the IAdea Support-page

    NOTE: The IAdea A12 displays needs a firmware which will become available via IAdea support page soon, we have it already available for you here: V 4.0.3-66 Firmware for WRP1000 V2 A12, XDS1078 A12, XMP-8552 A12 

  7. Install Iadea - GoBright Display Add-on via the followed instructions below:

Download IAdea - GoBright Display Add-on

Because of the IAdea displays are non-rooted it is not possible to communicate with a non-authorized app to communicate with the hardware/change necessary system settings.

To be able to do that IAdea developed a Firmware Add-on which deploys the GoBright app, authorizes the GoBright app and set the right Android Settings for our app.

Below you will find per display type the right Add-on:

Android 12:

  • WRP1000 V2
  • XDS-1078-A12
  • XMP-8552


Android 9:

  • WRP-1000
  • XDS 1078-A9


Android 7:

  • XDS-1088
  • XDS-1588
  • XMP-7500


Android 7:

  • MBR-1100
  • XDS-1078-A7 / XDS-1078



Installing the IAdea - GoBright Display Add-on

  1. Download the GoBright Addon file for your IAdea device (see above)
  2. Place the .PKG file in the root of an FAT32 formatted USB drive
  3. Close the GoBright app (when installed) by performing the magic swipe then press Exit
  4. Press the Pause button in the center of the screen to enter Setting mode
  5. Press the Exit button
    • Some models require to enter a pin code. Swipe the lock button upwards and enter code 010101
  6. Press the Advanced button in the top right corner
  7. Press System
  8. Press Firmware update
  9. Select "manually install package from USB drive"

Continue with activating the GoBright Display app on IAdea:

  1. After rebooting the GoBright Device app should start automatically with an installation wizard
  2. The app will ask for the necessary permissions to use and manage the device, please allow/confirm them all
  3. The app will ask to check the date, time and timezone
  4. Choose 'Confirm and reboot'
  5. After reboot, the display will connect to GoBright, and show an activation code
  6. With the activation code you're able to go to the next step:
    1. For GoBright Meet/Work/Visit: activate the Meet/Work/Visit display in the GoBright portal
    2. For GoBright View: Activate a View device



*) Regarding the internet connection, we strongly advise to use wired (PoE+) connections for highest reliability. 

If you have to use Wi-Fi, please make sure you have disabled the ‘Avoid poor network connections’ and ‘Notify whenever a public network is available’ in the Wi-Fi settings menu within Android. This will increase the reliability, for example when maintenance is done on the Wi-Fi network.

You can find this in the Android settings menu -> Wi-Fi -> Advanced. Read this article about how to close the GoBright Android App to enter Wi-Fi settings of the device: Close the GoBright app on a display

Please note: not all Android versions have these options, so these options might not be applicable for your device.


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