Profiles store settings that can be applied to one or multiple rooms, desks, etc. This way you do not have to set the settings for each room, desk, etc. separately.
Profiles can be found in the Portal. Log in with your manager account and go to Settings > [Meet/Work/Visit/Park/Devices] > Profiles.
Click an existing profile to edit it or click the Add button the create a new Profile.
Each type refers to a specified set of settings, the following types are available (depending on your license):
- Room profiles
- Desk profiles
- Parking profiles
- Room display profiles
- Interact profile
- Wayfinder profiles
- Mapviewer profiles
- Visitor registration display profiles
- RF receiver profiles
- Gateway profile
Please click in the list above on the type of profile you want to configure, to get more details.
Editing or changing the profiles
The profiles can be edited in Settings > [Meet/Work/Visit/Park/Devices] > Profiles. Open the specific profile and make the changes.
A profile can be added or edited at any given time, however, please note that this will impact any devices that use the specified profile.
For example, when a room display profile is altered, all room displays that are using that profile will receive the new configuration. The room display profile can be changed in Settings > Devices > Profiles when you open the specific type of device profile:
While editing is possible, the type cannot be changed once a profile is created. To add more profile types, additional ones need to make.
If you want to replace the profile of a specific device with another one, go to Settings > Devices > Displays, select the specific device and change the profile here: