Issue Routing and Permissions settings are required as it allows the transition from reporting an issue to action by the provider.
Issue Reporting and Permissions
To create the mechanism go to Settings > General and Issue routing & permissions from the left hand margin. Select 'Add' to start creating the permissions.
Complete the form as required.
1. Name: Give the routing a name.
2. Issue handler: Select the handler who will be responsible for resolving the issue.
3. Remark: Add any remarks in relation to the area under consideration.
4. Priority: Select the level of priority for the issue - Highest, High, Default, Low.
5. Apply to space type: Select the space the issue relates to Rooms, Desks, Parking.
6. Apply to locations: Select the location to which the issue handler is working - Allowed for all locations or Allowed for specific locations.
7. Allowed for specific locations: If the option for specific locations was selected the options for which locations will be available to select.
8. Apply to environments: Select which environment the issue applies - All, Specific or None. If Specific is chosen then the environment can be selected below.
9. Apply to amenities: Select which amenity the issue applies - All, Specific or None. If Specific is chosen then the amenity can be selected below.
In this example the issue would relate to the telephone system in the location selected, with the issue handler created previously selected.
When the user needs to report an issue they can select the environment created in a previously and subject of the issue.
When the user selects Report issue a pop up notification shows as the issue is sent to the provider.