The information on the display is incorrect

There are a few reasons why the information could be incorrect:

The time on the display is set incorrectly

If the time or date has been set incorrectly the display will show information using the wrong time or date. This can be fixed by changing the display time or entering the correct NTP server.

Subject and/or details are not showing

If all information is displayed correctly but the subject and details are missing or incorrect, the room settings in Exchange may need to be reconfigured. This can be done by performing the following command on the room (using PowerShell or the GUI):

Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept -DeleteSubject $False -DeleteComments $False -AddOrganizerToSubject $False -RemovePrivateProperty $False

This should be done for each room.

The display is linked to the wrong room

When configuring the display a specific room is required. It's possible to link any room to a specific display, so it's good practice to check if the display shows the correct room details when activating.

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