In order to create a slideshow with multiple images and/or videos, we make use of a layer. When multiple widgets are added at the same time a layer is automatically created. We'll create a new slideshow in the example below to illustrate this:
- Open a template or create a new one
- Select the "Add widget" button
- Select 'From Media library'
- Select three images from the library
- Press "Done"
This has created a layer that holds the three images. Next to the layer name, the total time of all images is being displayed to indicate the length of the slideshow. Each image can be configured separately, the same as editing an individual widget.
Add widgets
Another way to create a layer is by clicking the settings button and then click on "Add widget".
This will create a new layer of the already existing widget and the widget that you have just selected.
Adding more widgets to the existing layer can be done by pressing the settings button and then click on the "Add widget" button on the layer.
Duplicating widgets
To duplicate an existing widget, press the settings button and then click "Duplicate" on the widget that needs to be duplicated.
After it has been added, the widget can be configured. In this case, we can easily add another image to the slideshow by duplicating an existing widget and swapping the picture.
Removing widgets
To remove a widget press the settings icon and then click on "Delete".