When you try to save a Room Booking in the GoBright portal, and you get the message: Validation Errors / Booking cannot be processed in the external system. (code: BookingProcessingExternalSystemActionFailed), follow the steps below to solve this issue:
Check if the integration is still active:
- Check Admin Center > Integration > Open your integration and check if the integration is still linked.
Check if you have detected issues
- Check Settings > Logs > Detected Issues. Open the detected issue message.
- Category: subject of the issue
- Discovered at: this field shows the specific time and date of discovery of the issue
- Issue description contains the description of the issue
- Room: shows which Room this issue is detected
- Check Settings > Logs > Detected Issues. Open the detected issue message.
Check your Logs
- Check Settings > Logs > Logs. Search for an Error message and open the message.
- Module: this field will tell you the specific action, like User Login or Calendar synchronization
- Moment: this field shows the specific time and date
- Action: contains the description of the action
- Message: contains a more detailed description of the issue
- Check Settings > Logs > Logs. Search for an Error message and open the message.
If there is a detected issue or log error which you can't seem to figure out, please open a detected issue/log error line so the whole error message is visible. Make a screenshot and send us additional information and the screenshot. Click here to send us a ticket.